Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rainy day blog

Well, there is no real reason for this blog, I just felt like writing something other than papers:) It seems like we've gone straight from summer to winter here- we had snow over the weekend, yesterday, and snow/rain mix today. I won't let myself believe that this is the beginning of the end, though. I am SURE it will go back to regular fall weather soon, right? At least it is good weather for getting work done. Warm coffee shops with their fireplaces blazing are calling my name these days. They may lose their luster after a few months, but for now, it feels pretty cozy.

Mosby has been super spoiled by us lately. I swear he just gets cuter and funnier by the day. He can still be a troublemaker though. A couple of days ago he escaped thanks to the help from an unsuspecting neighbor who was leaving our building. Mosby is not one to pass up an opportunity to chase squirrels and rabbits to his heart's content, so he made a run for it. I hopped in the car to go find him (Will followed him on foot), and as I started driving down the alley I looked in the rear view mirror to see Mosby running full speed after the car. "Don't leave me!" Mosby promptly jumped into the car through the open window. Forget car doors, the window is much faster. Needless to say, it's hard to stay mad at the little guy when he goes to such great lengths just to enjoy a car ride with you! He also is really funny on his walks now that the leaves are falling. He goes to great lengths to avoid stepping on the dried leaves. The other day we were running and it looked like he was limping or maybe got his foot caught in his leash, but no. He was just avoiding putting his foot down on the parts of the sidewalk that were covered in leaves! Hilarious.

We are looking at cars this weekend. Hopefully by next weekend we will have a new (used) one!

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

The weather jumped immediately to Fall here too. (no snow yet though)