Wednesday, April 21, 2010

(S)Hot Dog

We have a dog of steel! Only in the life of Mosby, would this happen:

A couple of weekends ago, Mosby was playing outside (in the suburbs mind you, not out in the country) and followed some deer into the woods. He was gone for about 15 minutes, but he usually comes back eventually so we weren't too worried. When he did return, he was soaked and had a cut behind his ear. What adventures had he gone on? Did he go for a swim in a marsh? Cut his ear on a fence or get in a fight with one of the deer or another animal? Little did we know....

After a week, Will noticed that his ear wound wasn't really healing very well (it was underneath all of his fur so we couldn't really see the wound itself). He brought him into the vet and it turns out......HE WAS SHOT! Apparently, there was a bullet lodged in his neck all that time! It looks to be a bullet from a 22. Who shoots at dogs in the suburbs?!

You might wonder how we didn't notice this earlier. The actual place that the bullet went in did not bleed significantly (the part where the bullet grazed his ear was what bled more and even that was a very small amount), he didn't whine during the week, he didn't scratch at his ear or indicate that it was hurting him, and he had the same energy level and appetite as always. All I can figure is that it was barely under the skin and that it was in the scruff of his neck, so there is a lot of exra skin there. It totally fits Mosby's personality to be completely oblivious to the fact that he had a BULLET in his neck. We are so lucky it wasn't any more serious!

So he had a little surgury Monday to remove the bullet and put a tube in to drain the fluid. We have to pretty much stay home with him to make sure he doesn't scratch the tube out, because he refuses to wear the "cone of shame". We take him back to the vet on Friday to get it removed. I have attached some pictures below of the bullet, Mosby's new "do" and drain, and him on a walk earlier in the week, totally oblivious to his injury.

We love our pooch and are so glad he is okay!

Until next time,


Anonymous said...

hello uncle Will I'm lily O'Brien your bother Matthew's daughter. too bad he was shot there might of been some people shooting Deer and at the last minute Mosby probably got in the way. see you at Christmas. my mom is pregnant with a boy he will be born in June 5th or 17th or 18th

Anonymous said...

You guys are bad parents. Honestly.
