Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sangria Season

After a brutally long winter, four days is all it takes for me to dust off the sangria pot. Tomorrow we will also be dusting off the BBQ season as well. Since sangria is a delicate beverage and it takes much time and careful crafting, it had to be started today. Thank goodness I got out of class tonight 45 minutes early, and thus had ample time to undertake the hard work.

Kirsten teases me that my writing is epic, so I had to live up to it again (see above). Anyway, enjoy the post, enjoy the pics, and check the link for the sangria recipe. If you have any questions on fine tuning the sangria, just let me know. Oh, and as Tory says, the key is there can never be too much brandy.

Sangria - The World's Best


Unknown said...

Yeah, that must've been hard work pouring the wine and sugar in the pot mister I-can't-cut-up-the-fruit:)

Unknown said...

That last comment was actually Kirsten, not Will.